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Without Short of Electricity in the Peak Season




From July on, Chenzhou has suffered from the heat causing the electricity load to increase. Now it is the electricity peak season in Chenzhou. It was learned from Chenzhou Power Bureau that till July 13, the highest electricity load for Chenzhou reached 1.12 million kw, which was the maximum value in summer.


It is introduced by the bureau staff that the estimated highest load will be 1.4 million KW, which means that Chenzhou City has not yet reached the largest electricity value this year. If there was no extreme weather happening in the following days, the electricity load for Chenzhou central city would be enough for people’s daily life and work electricity consumption.


The bureau reminds that it is better to adjust the working hours to stagger the peak season. The bureau also presents some tips for saving electricity in daily life. Some measures may not be relevant depending on climate, the age of your home and appliances, and past improvements made to your home.

1. refrigerator: to decrease the times of opening refrigerator door; to keep less than 80% foods of its capacity; not to save the hot food directly; to defrost often, etc.;

2. lamp: to use energy saving lamp; keep the lamp clean; fully use natural light; use voice control switch on the stairs and lobbies, etc.;

3. air conditioner: close the door when using air conditioner; clean the strainer often to increase its efficiency; set proper temperature; switch it off if no need, etc.;

4. washer: soak for 20 minutes before washing it; use one bulk of water to wash clothes then rinse one by one, etc.;

5. water heater: choose the proper one according to the members of your family; set the proper water temperature within 40-60℃; check it regularly to guarantee its safe use, etc..


Cutting back unnecessary energy use is an easy way to reduce the consumption while saving money. Here are some additional suggestions you can do at home, at absolutely no cost to you.

1. Use your appliances wisely

To help prevent electricity outages, avoid running your appliances during peak hours, -- from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. -- or anytime an electricity emergency is declared.

2. Turn up your thermostat

Set your thermostat to 78 degrees when you are home and 85 degrees or off when you are away. Using ceiling or room fans allows you to set the thermostat higher because the air movement will cool the room.

3. Operating swimming pool filters and cleaning sweeps efficiently

Reduce the operating time of your pool filter and automatic cleaning sweep to four to five hours, and only during off-peak time.