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Better Trend Signal for Industrial Economy



According to the data shown by Chenzhou Economy and Information Commission that in the first two months of 2014, the total industrial electricity consumption of Chenzhou city hit 1.2 billion kwh with an increase of 8.9% which was 7.7% higher than 2013; the total volume of the circular flow for passenger and cargo of highway and waterway hit 6.37 billion tons with an increase of 15%; and the volume of freight hit 39.7 million tons with an increase of 9.5%.


It was learned from the commission that though the complete data for the first quarter of Chenzhou city’s industrial economy has not finished yet, Chenzhou city’s manufacturing industry, especially the equipment manufacturing industry, high level processing industry and high-tech industry, was with rapid improvement according to the commission’s investigation. On the other hand, the added value of mining industry decreased slightly, which indicated that there was new achievement gained by Chenzhou city on the structure adjustment.


It was also introduced that 21 newly finished projects in 2013, such as Jinwang Bismuth Company, Yaogangxian Mining Industry, and etc. were operated stably. With those 21 increasing points of industrial economy, the total industrial volume would be with a considerable increase in the first quarter of 2014.


On the basis of all those positive information, it was estimated by the commission that the industrial parks’ economy would be with rapid increase as well.


According to the report, because of the low price level for non-ferrous, coal and concrete, some of Chenzhou city’s industrial enterprises were affected with this negative factor. At the meantime, some enterprises faced the problems lacking of capital and labor force, so more supports should be placed on the enterprise to help them to solve the problems and increase the efficiency accordingly.