On May 31, 2013, the activity named “Loving Parents Share Love with Children in Plight” was launched by Chenzhou Municipal Women’s Federation. It was a special gift sent to the children in plight for celebrating Children’s Day.
It was learned that there were more than 1300 children were in plight. It was purposely to help those children to launch the activity mentioned above.
Three different ways would be carried out to handle this activity. They were education-aid, sponsorship, and instruction assistant. Per education-aid, it was to help the children finish their education with financial support of 500yuan/ year and 1000yuan/year for compulsory education students and senior high school students respectively. Per sponsorship, it was to assist the orphans with living expenses and tuition fees with 1000yuan/year. Per instruction assistant, it was knee on the help of emotional life to share their love with the children who were lack of consideration, family affection, parents instruction by visiting, calling, writing letter, spending weekends with them, etc..
Zhang Xihui- Deputy Mayor of Chenzhou City attended the launching ceremony.