Recently, you could see a number of "angels" walking in the rugged mountain road of Guidong villages, who offered free health examination for the masses.
This group of "angels" is the 17 service teams composed of 51 medical students from Xiangnan University. They propagated the health poverty alleviation policies for peasant households in Guidong County, carried out free health examination and clinic, health consultation, and medical lectures for medical personnel, helped and guided the rural masses to sign online family doctors to improve the satisfaction rate and boost the health and poverty alleviation work in Guidong. As of the day before, Guidong has carried out 136 times of health and poverty alleviation propaganda and consultation service activities, such as propagated in the plazas and markets, offered free medicines and clinic, and other forms activities, and 17599 people have completed the online family doctor signing with mobile App, the number of contractors and progress in the forefront of the city. At the same time, the counties, towns and villages visited poor households with responsible person more than twice a month, propagated the health and poverty alleviation policies to the masses face to face, and issued more than 20,000 copies of "health poverty alleviation brochure".