It was learned from Chenzhou Education Bureau that China Education Ministry had promulgated the latest version of compulsory education courses standard. From this September, new courses will be applied by all the compulsory education schools.
The new revised curriculum standards involves in the stage of compulsory education from the first grade to third grade in primary school, covering Chinese, mathematics, foreign language, morals, society, music, art etc.. Among them, foreign language is further divided into English, Japanese and Russian. Generally speaking, the new version is closer to education revolution concept, pays more attention to students’ comprehensive practical capability, advocates social responsibility and reveals the courses sense of time. All the teaching materials and exam outlines will be revised accordingly after issuing the new courses standard.
From July 10 to July 19, Chenzhou Education Bureau has been organizing the training for the elite teachers of different schools in turn.
It was learned that the following revisions were figured out in the new standard:
Chinese: 400 Chinese characters are deducted from 3rd and 4th grade
According to the new version, students from Grade 3 and Grade 4 should know 2500 characters and write 1600 of them compared with the old version, which is required to write 2000 characters.
On the other hand, 136 excellent articles are recommended to recite by the new version, increasing 6 pieces for the primary school period, and 14 pieces for the junior middle school period.
English: junior middle school graduates are capable of writing short texts and messages
There are 9 levels set in the new standard version. Students should reach the 2nd level when finishing Grade 6, in which they are required to play simple games, tell short stories or play short dramas with the help of teachers. Once finishing Grade 9, students should reach the 5th level and be capable of writing short texts and messages in English by knowing 1500-1600 English words. The 7th level is for high middle school students while the 8th and 9th level are for the students with higher aims to improve their English levels.
The new version pays more attention to students’ practical use of English, which is much better than the earlier standard for it just meets exam requirements.
Calligraphy: Chinese writing brush is required
Chinese traditional writing brush calligraphy is required for Grade 3 to Grade 9 students. Grade 3-4 students can copy the regular script, Grade 5-6 can write with Chinese writing brush, and Grade 7-9 can copy great master’s scripts to enjoy the Chinese traditional calligraphy values.