The spinning-top competition of the 12th National Traditional Sports Games of Ethnic Minorities of China came to an end in Sanya City of Hainan Province on November 29. The spinning-top team from Guiyang County, which participated in the competition on behalf of Hunan Province, won the third prize in the men’s singles event, the men’s team event, and the women’s team event, which is the best performance in the history of this event for Hunan.

In May of this year, the spinning-top team was formed for the traditional sports games and began training at the Yesu Lishan Red Education Base in Guiyang County. The team was mainly composed of athletes from Guiyang, including the coach.
After six months of intensive training, their efforts paid off.
In recent years, Guiyang County has made efforts to inherit and promote excellent traditional ethnic culture, and attached importance to the development of traditional ethnic sports. Among them, spinning-top sports have become a competitive project. It won the second prize in the men’s team event at the 9th National Traditional Sports Games of Ethnic Minorities of China in 2011, and 9 gold medals, 8 silver medals, as well as 6 bronze medals at the traditional sports games of ethnic minorities of Hunan. Sports competitions have helped deepen ethnic unity, consolidate consensus on cooperation, enhance friendship, and promote mutual assistance and communication among people of all ethnic groups.
Chinese source: hunantoday