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China Rally Championship- Brief Introduction


China Rally Championship is a national level auto rally race held by Federation of Auto Sports of China (FASC) and local government of the host place. Rally is one of the auto road races. Mud road, gravel road, or pitch road are parts of the rally race. It is a long term race to test the vehicle performance and quality and driver’s techniques. Usually it will be held within one country, while some are expanded to be in many countries. The race is divided into many stages which will be set with some sections. Every section is less than 30kms. Every auto with one driver and one co-pilot will be departed separately. Final result would be counted for the finishing time of special roads and the punish time in different sections. Shortest time driver will be the final winner. It is strict control for the finishing time of sections. If autos not arrive the control point on time, it will be punished no matter delay or earlier.


Generally speaking, every stop of the rally race will last for three days. 20-30 Special Stages (SS) will be preset in the race tracks. Every SS is from 3kms to 30kms. The fastest driver wins the race. The host should take special control for every section to make sure no cars pass the race tracks during the racing time. Different from F1, every 2-3 minutes, there is one auto is departed from the section, that is to say all the racing drivers can’t see their competitors at all. Besides that, there is a co-pilot for every racing auto. Racing driver follows the co-pilot direction instruction to pass every traces with fast speed to help their partner win the race with shortest time.