Dongjiang Lake landscape is subtropics humid climate with abundant rain and moderate climate. The annual average temperature is 17.1℃. January is the coldest month with an average temperature of 5.6℃ and sometimes is even -10℃. July is the hottest month with an average temperature of 27.3℃ and sometimes is even 37.6℃. Mountains and hills with different sea-level elevation are distributed there, so the distributions of light, temperature and water are uneven in the area. The annual average temperature of west side is about 18℃ which is higher than the east side’s 16℃. The temperature will be 0.6℃ lower for the rise of every 100meters elevation, while the rate will be of 0.4℃ once the elevation is higher 800meters. If it is under same elevation level, the temperature of north slope is 0.5℃ lower than south slope.
Rainfall: the average rainfall of Dongjiang lake is 1538.3m, but due to the influence of geography, the distribution of precipitation is not mean there. Per the rainstorm day, the precipitation is 2.5-5.8mm/day, mainly in May-August and east area. The annual rainy days of it are 163days, concentrated in April-June. Annual evaporation capacity is 1515mm. The relative humidity is 82% that July is with the lowest rate while April is with the highest rate. The rate changes along with the change of temperature, and it is also affected by the actual water air pressure. The average rate of temperature difference is 8%. The dew period lasts 65-80days which generally starts from the early December and ends in the middle of February. The snowy days are about 4-9days. The rate of hailstone is about 36%.
Wind: the landscape is controlled by the northwest airflow in the year round. South wind is only available in July when it is affected by subtropics high pressure, while rest is northwest wind. The average wind speed of wind in winter is higher than summer, and the annual wind speed is 2.5meters/second. It also differs by different geographic condition.