It was reported that the online voting of Hunan “most beautiful village” was closed. Till 20:00p.m. of September 15, 2014, over 60million votes were collected for the “most beautiful village, happy & leisure” 2014 Hunan rural tourism rating list guided by Hunan Tourism Bureau and sponsored by the Rednet.
Followed the just and fair principal, this online voting activity would confirm the list of “top ten places of Hunan rural tourism ” by rating- 60% was for public voting and 40% was for experts review. 70 rural tourism destinations with special products, features and demonstrative function from 14 cities and autonomous prefectures of Hunan province were selected from the activity. The list would be shown on the mainstream media of Hunan province publicly on September 18, 2014 and an awarding ceremony would be held on the opening ceremony of 2014 Hunan Tourism Industry Expo on September 19, 2014. The prize-winner list for the netizens who attended the online voting activity was released on September 16, 2014. All the prize-winners would be granted with the dual gifts of cashes and consumption voucher of some villas. Furthermore, a symposium for the development of Hunan rural tourism would be held on September 20, 2014 to discuss the bluetprint of Hunan rural tourism.