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Qu Hai Handles Scheduling of 22 Key Projects



Qu Hai- Deputy Secretary of Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Chenzhou City handled scheduling of key projects in the afternoon of April 27, 2016. He required that all projects should be promoted with great efforts.


The 22 projects concerned about upgrading of infrastructure, industrial development, improvement of well-being, ecological protection, and etc. were checked by Qu who helped to solve over 100 problems as lands, removal of rod lines, and etc. on site.


Qu stated that Chenzhou faced great challenge on keeping stable increase under the high pressure of economic downturn. In order to keep stable increase, the investment should be kept in stable line, so that the projects construction should be well handled. Followed the target of stable increase and annual tasks, all projects should be promoted rapidly as the “ox muzzle” of development, core driving force of economic improvement, main task of the reform of the supply front, and the practical need for establishment of new increasing pole of Hunan economy. Specified responsibility, time schedule, and route should be figured out to promote the improvement of projects coordinately.


Qu Hai emphasized more innovative modes should be worked out to upgrade the approval efficiency of projects. The projects owner should deploy capable person to prepare all documents and settle procedures accordance with laws and regulations. Relative departments should simplify administration procedures, reduce some preposition approval issues, and realize list management of administration approval by getting rid of intermediaries. The approval procedures should be optimized by applying some new methods as online approval and online monitoring and maintaining some effective methods as time limit, binding approval, joint approval, and etc. More efforts should be tried on the preliminary work by learning better experience and methods from other places to solve the capital issues or other problems hindered on the way of further improvement. The chance of project construction should be well seized by studying central and Hunan provincial favorable policies to obtain more projects and capital supports.


Qu also stated that the support work should be enhanced, especially on the implementation of policies. Stricter leadership should be carried out to check the projects and solve problems; scheduling work should be intensified with detailed assessment plan; more efforts should be placed on fighting against the illegal behaviors to optimize the construction condition. Furthermore, it is in the middle stage of second quarter, all projects owners should accelerate the construction work under sound weather condition to lay better foundation for the 3rd quarter’s construction and fulfilment of annual task.


Some municipal leaders of Chenzhou city attended the conference.

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