It was learned that Guidong county was successfully past the acceptance inspection of the establishment of “provincial sanitary county”.
Followed by the target set in 2010 to establish Hunan provincial sanitary county, garden county and civilized county, Guidong county handled the establishment of Hunan provincial sanitary county in 2010 at the same time. After three years efforts on handling the environmental sanitary treatment work, Guidong county’s urban function, county level, living condition, etc. were upgraded greatly.
Meanwhile, a sound propaganda work was carried out in Guidong county to enhance the public awareness of establishment of Hunan provincial sanitary county and personal sanitary knowledge. Furthermore, infrastructure construction, urban comprehensive service function, and living condition were upgraded with relative projects improvement. Innovative urban management model was explored by the county to keep the urban areas with clean condition. All those measurements greatly helped to upgrade Guidong county’s sanitary level.