How is everything going on for the rural housing projects? Qu Hai- Deputy Secretary of Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Chenzhou City visited Zixing city, Suxian district and some other places with concentrated housing projects to check their work. Qu required that enhanced policy propaganda and unified regulation and design should be carried out to activate people’s activity to build beautiful villages.
Songjia group of Zixing city was the first batch area with concentrated housing projects after Chenzhou city issued the“guidance for the regulation of rural housing construction and management”. Followed with the unified plan and design, the projects were launched in last October and carried out well.
Qu Hai highly affirmed the construction work handled out by Songjia group and stated that great losses were caused by lacking of planning and management, so the government issued relative guidance to regulate the construction. On this point, all people should follow it strictly to promote the rural housing projects.
Qu also visited the service center of Dongjiang sub-district of Zixing city and some villages of Suxian district to check the procedures settlement and new housing projects details. Qu stated that it was significant to regulate the rural housing projects, so enhanced guidance, unified planning and design, specified implementation procedures, better land and culture protection, and etc. should be handled out well to grant a sound effect of the rural housing projects to people.
Some municipal leaders of Chenzhou city accompanied Qu with this investigation.