To punish the behavior of purchase and sale counterfeit drugs from illegal channels, Beihu District Food and Drug Administration carried out the special regulation for the drug quality of drugstores and clinics in the rural area a few days ago.
The action strictly investigated the behaviors of making preparations without authorization or using the medicinal preparations of other medical institutions without approval; strictly cracked down on illegal purchase and sales of counterfeit drugs, or publicity and sales behavior for posing drugs with non drugs; investigated and dealt with illegal recycling drugs, sales of recycled drugs and purchase of drugs and medicinal preparations from the illegal channels; combated the behaviors of renting and lending counters for the illegal medical operation.
The Food and Drug Supervision Departments will severely punish the illegal clinics and drugstores found in the centralized regulation according to law. The "Certificate of quality control for drug operation" will be revoked for the drugstores refusing to rectification as required, and the "Drug Supply Certificate" will be revoked according to law if the case is serious; the legal representatives and responsible person of drugstores and clinics with serious illegal dishonesty will be included in the "blacklist" to manage and joint punishment.