The organizing committee of the China (Hunan) International Mineral and Gem Expo (CMGE) held a business exchange meeting in Tucson, USA on the evening of February 8, US time.

It aimed to allow foreign friends to have a deeper understanding of China’s mineral and gemstone culture, promote Chenzhou, the mineral crystal capital, and invite global mineral and gemstone enthusiasts to attend the 13th China (Hunan) International Mineral and Gem Expo to be held in Chenzhou in May.
About 450 people attended the meeting, which is far beyond expectations. They exchanged ideas and shared their love and insights for minerals and gemstones.
The meeting attracted heavyweight guests such as Rob Lavinsky, chairman of Arkenstone in the United States, Gene Meieran, senior engineer at Intel Corporation in the United States, and the director of the Washington Museum. They added academic and business atmosphere to the event and shared their respective professional insights to further promote international cooperation and exchange in the field of mineral gemstones.
During the exchange, Rob Lavinsky shared his profound connection with Chinese mineral and gemstones, particularly the abundant mineral resources and unique crystal culture of Chenzhou in Hunan. He called on global mineral and gemstone enthusiasts to personally experience the charm of the China (Hunan) International Mineral and Gem Expo.
Chinese source: czxww