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A Special Investigation on Strengthening the Government Credit



It was learned from the discussion symposium of report on “optimization of development condition and enhancement of government credit”that this special investigation report has been initially worked out. It was the first special investigation on optimization of development condition handled out by the Hunan provincial party representatives in Chenzhou with the 10th congress of party representatives of Chenzhou city.


According to the propose notice issued by Hunan provincial organization committee, three different special themes were carried out respectively for that investigation. Party representatives of Chenzhou city was in charge of “enhancement of government credit”. In this May, some representatives were dispatched to municipal departments, counties, towns, villages, industrial parks, enterprises, project construction sites, etc. to investigate the optimization condition and government credit work handled out there.


Some effective measures and achievements of the enhancement of government credit and optimization of development condition were summarized in the investigation report with detailed analysis of problems hindered the way of further improvement and relative suggestions. In order to make sure all the suggestions can be more helpful for the optimization of development condition of Hunan province, party representatives and principals of some departments discussed heatedly on the symposium.