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“Chenzhou City’s Conservation Plan of Historic Cultural City” to be Deliberated



Recently, the draft of “Chenzhou city’s conservation plan of historic cultural city (2013-2030)” was deliberated in the twelfth session of fourth Chenzhou Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee.


In 2012, the “resolution on enhancement of Chenzhou city’s conservation and development of historic cultural city”(short for “the resolution”) was passed in the first session of fourth Chenzhou Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee, which helped to upgrade the conservation and development of historic cultural city to a higher level.


Followed with the requirement listed in “the resolution” , the draft of “Chenzhou city’s conservation plan of historic cultural city (2013-2030)” was formed by Chenzhou Urban Planning and Design Institute from this May to September, and principally passed the deliberation of the expert committee of this institute. According to the plan, the protection system was divided to following three aspects: historical and cultural city, historical and cultural blocks, and culture relic protection site. Four aspects as Chenzhou municipal administrative area, Chenzhou urban area, Chenzhou central area, and historical area were covered in historical and cultural city.


On the conference, on behalf of Chenzhou Government, Zhang Yangping- Deputy Mayor of Chenzhou City submitted the bill to deliberate the draft of “Chenzhou city’s conservation plan of historic cultural city (2013-2030)”. The draft was carefully discussed on the conference after the bill was accepted.


It was stated on the conference that the draft of the plan was basically feasible with the comprehensive information and was basically accord with the state “conservation regulation on historical and cultural city, town and village”. But it was still lacking some proofs of historical and cultural value, some information of the city, connection details of the plan, and etc., so further research and demonstration on the improvement of the plan should be handled out accordingly in next step.