It was learned from Jiahe County Bureau of Commerce that an intention investment agreement with about 500 million yuan was submitted by Guangdong Qingyuan Hongda Investment Co., Ltd. after their investigation on Zhongshui hot spring in Jiahe county.
Zhongshui hot spring locates in the eastern area of Jiahe county. It was confirmed to be with abundant high quality hot water resources after the preliminary investigation conducted by professionals of land resources and mineral exploration. It is also rich in selenium and other microelements healthy to people. Besides the good condition of the hot spring itself, it is also with good traffic condition that it is near the entrances of two expressways. More than 3 million people are around the hot spring, which enables it with sound comprehensive development value as well.
In recent years, leadership team and working agencies led by the main leaders of county and principals of relative departments were formed in Jiahe county to figure out the hot spring development solutions. Some experts were invited to investigate the hot spring’s condition from different aspects as flow of the hot spring, microelements, tourism planning, local cultural features, comprehensive utilization of hot spring, and etc. Furthermore, enhanced investment attraction activities were handled out by the county to forcefully promote the hot spring projects. More optimized investment condition was facilitated to the investors as well.