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Opening Ceremony of Third Session of Forth Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC




Conference site



On behalf of forth committee of Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC Standing Committee, Chen Shezhao- President of Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC delivered working report on the conference


It was reported that the third session of forth committee of Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC Standing Committee was held in Chenzhou Performance & Art Center on January 6, 2014. In the following 4 days, more than 300 members of Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC would share their ideas on further development of Chenzhou city.


Xiang Lili- Secretary of Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee and Qu Hai- Deputy Secretary of Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Chenzhou City attended the conference. Chen Shezhao- President of Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC and some other members of Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC were present at the conference as well.


358 members of the 376 due committee members attended the conference, which met the quorum.


Lei Chunyong- Vice President of Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC hosted the conference and announced its opening.


On behalf of forth committee of Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC Standing Committee, Chen Shezhao- President of Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC delivered working report on the conference. It focused on four aspects to tell the work handled out by Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC from the second session. They are: active actions on presenting suggestions for promotion of Chenzhou city’s development; more attention on mechanism innovation for upgrading working efficiency; further cooperation to enhance social awareness and converge social positive energy; and enhanced self-construction for motivating the team’s energy.


Chenzhou stated that Chenzhou city reached great achievements on scientific development and take-off in 2013 and Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC also achieved wonderful results in 2013. Followed with the leadership of Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee and the spirit of 18th National Congress of CPC, Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC worked together with all the departments and contributed well on the promotion of Chenzhou city’s sound and rapid development.


2014 is the first year of comprehensively deepening reform. It is also last year for Chenzhou city’s “another three-year project” and crucial year of “twelfth five-year plan”. Chen pointed out on the report that Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC should be guided with the spirit of 18th National Congress of CPC and third session of 18th National Congress of CPC to carry out the mass line practicing work; should follow reform and innovation spirit to upgrade the working efficiency; should keep the theme of unity and democracy to converge more social energy; and should upgrade its working level by self-construction.


Wang Cunxiang- Vice President of Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC delivered a proposal working report on the conference.


Some members of Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC presented relative speeches on the conference as well.


Some comrades were invited to attend the conference.