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To Promote Industrial Parks’ Development with Specified Targets



It was reported that a symposium concerned for the further development of Chenzhou city’s industrial parks was held recently in Chenzhou city. Liu Hesheng- Deputy Secretary of Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee attended the symposium.


Though under the complicated exterior economic situation and high pressure of the downstream, Chenzhou city’s industrial parks kept a stable increase in 2013. The total technology, industry and trade volume hit 241.10 billion yuan with an increase of 37.6%. The tax payment reached 4.4 billion yuan, up 29.6%. Added value of scaled industry hit 52.5 billion yuan, up 19%. At the meantime, the delayed effects and service management of the industrial parks were kept to be improved. Some new breakthroughs were reached on the upgrading, expansion, financing and development condition of the industrial parks.


According to the plan, some targets should meet in 2014, such as the increase rate for the total volume of technology, industry and trade, total volume of the foreign investment and other key economic indexes should be over 20%, and the increase rate for the added value of scaled industry of the park should reach 16%, covering the 60% of the total volume of Chenzhou city. More efforts should be tried on the industrial parks’ construction, key projects construction, expansion and upgrading of the parks, improvement of the supporting facilities, optimization of industrial parks development condition, and etc.


In the symposium, the principals of the industrial parks shared their opinions on economic trend, industrial transfer, industrial parks’ construction, investment attraction, and etc. on the basis of their industrial parks. They also presented some good suggestions and comments on the talents, finance, technology, market, mechanism, and etc.
After carefully listening to the speeches addressed by the principals, Liu highly affirmed the work handled out by the industrial parks. Liu said the industry’s development was one of the big concerns for the city, while the industrial parks’ development was the key concern for the industry. All the attendants should be confident for further development with specified targets to handle out the industry’s development in this main field. Liu required that more attention should be placed on key working points, infrastructure construction, optimization of investment condition, upgrading of industrial parks and etc. At the meantime, enhanced scheduling and communication should be handled out as well to improve the industrial parks’ construction.