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Sound Effects for Standardized Management of Charity Funds



It was reported that second council of Rucheng Charity Federation was held recently in Rucheng county. A report on 2013 financial work was delivered on the council. It was a miniature for Rucheng county to keep the principals of scientific management, standard operation, fair and open to strictly operate the financial management mechanism, accept the social monitor and ensure the suitable use of all charity funds.


Followed the standardized management of charity funds, Rucheng county regulated the operation program and approval system to specify the usage of every fund with proper procedures. Concerning for the accounting, details for every funding project were kept in record and all individual aid projects were followed with open investigation procedures. Besides the standardized management improvement, the federation accepted the supervisions of financial and audit departments actively and opened its funding details to public to keep the public informed with its operation details.


It was learned that 476 poverty stricken people were benefited from Rucheng Charity Federation with 940.600yuan charity funds. Compared with 2012, 256 more people were assisted with the funds and 349.600yuan more charity funds were issued to them. The maximum amount of the aid funds which was just 4000yuan in 2012 increased to 5000yuan in 2013.