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Miaojie Named as “Loving Edu-aid Demonstration Street”




Launching ceremony for “loving edu-aid demonstration street” which was called “Miaojie” was held on July 18, 2014 in Chenzhou city


It was reported that launching ceremony for “loving edu-aid demonstration street” which was called “Miaojie” was held on July 18, 2014 in Chenzhou city. It was sponsored by Political Department of Chenzhou Military Subarea and Chenzhou Education Foundation. 


“Loving edu-aid”is a large-scale public service project which attracts many people and benefit great amount students. In the past 10 years, 120,000 students were benefited with over 82.30million yuan loving edu-aid funds.


It was introduced that it was purposely to allocate more people to join in the loving project by establishing this “loving-aid street”. Over 51,000yuan donations were collected on this launching ceremony.


It was learned that some profits would be withdrawn from the merchants of this street. Some other ways as donations would be held as well.


Lei Xiaoda- Deputy Major of Chenzhou City, Zhao Yizheng- Honorary President of Chenzhou Education Foundation, Jiang Taosheng- President of Chenzhou Education Foundation and Li Qingsheng- Vice President of Chenzhou Education Foundation attended this launching ceremony.