It was learned that establishment of well-off society & new rural construction was held in Chenzhou city recently. Xiang Lili- Secretary of Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee stated on the conference that all the departments should enhance the awareness to try best to fully establish well-off society on the process of new rural construction by focusing on key points and upgrading working efficiency. Liu Hesheng- Deputy Secretary of Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee hosted the conference.
In recent years, followed the idea to fully establish the well-off society with the overall development of urban and rural areas and promotion of rural reform, Chenzhou city accelerated the economic and social development and reached some achievements on the promotion of well-off society and new rural construction. The rate for Chenzhou city's well-off society construction was 83.2% in 2013. Half-an hour and one-hour economy circles were formed in Chenzhou city and it's county economy was improved rapidly.
Xiang Lili said the key points should be highlighted to upgrade the level of Chenzhou city's well-off society construction. All work should be carried out by focusing on the targets, playing the best role of advantages and highlighting projects construction, industrial support, and industrial parks' development; more attention should be placed on the poor points especially the poverty alleviation, technological innovation and promotion of ecological civilization construction; more efforts should be tried on well-being projects to increase people's income, well carry out the well-being projects construction, improve infrastructure construction and enhance the social management; and more attention should be placed on the overall arrangement of index monitoring, especially the combination of index monitoring and implementation.
Xiang Lili said that all departments should try best to fully establish well-off society on the process of new rural construction. The new rural construction should be the main battle field to accelerate the well-off society's construction. More attention should be placed on rural housing to accelerate the new rural villages' construction; more attention should be paid on the improvement of manorial economy to improve modern agriculture; more efforts should be tried on overall treatment of urban and rural areas' environment; and more efforts should be placed on innovation of operation mechanism to deepen the comprehensive reform in rural area, cultivate new business body, accelerate land transfer and accelerate overall reform of urban and rural areas.
Xiang stated that joint force should be formed for well-off society construction and new rural construction. Both the two construction work should be promoted together with integrated resources, different guidance and enhanced evaluation. All targets should be fulfilled successfully.
Some municipal leaders of Chenzhou city attended the conference.