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13.8 Billion Yuan has been Finished for 227 Infrastructure Projects in Chenzhou City in First 3 Quarters



It was learned from the scheduling conference of infrastructure construction in urban area in first 3 quarters of 2014 that 13.8billion yuan has been finished in the 227 infrastructure projects in Chenzhou urban area, covering 70.4% of annual task. The amount finished now was equal to the total amount of 2013. As required on the conference, all departments should fight for the fourth quarter to ensure the annual task to be fulfilled successfully.


Till now, 45 projects as key projects for the establishment of national forest city, central demonstration area for sports city, Boliping road, Suxian section of Chenzi road, and etc. almost have been finished or completed the annual investment plan. 43 projects as construction of new urban water supply network, treatment of Donghe wetland park, south section of Nanling Avenue, and etc. were handled out well or were in the final construction stage.


Though the infrastructure projects were with sound progress, there were still some problems. “The report concerned for equity swap of old tank road was not approved by the upper level, so tank road project can’t be started till now. It affected the road construction work for Xiangnan International Logistic Park.” “Land acquisition work for Xianquan road which was in Suxian district did not coordinate well.” On the construction site, the principals of the projects analyzed current problems hindered on their way.


On the scheduling conference, Zhang Yangping- Deputy Mayor of Chenzhou City required that the fourth quarter was the sprint stage for the projects construction. All departments should enhance the force to implement the tasks, should promote the progress of projects to meet the preset target, and should accelerate the speed to settle relative procedures and open more green channels.