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Xiang Lili Investigates Key Projects and Chenzhou Central Urban Area’s “Establishment of National Civilization City”



It was learned that Xiang Lili- Secretary of Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee investigated key projects construction and Chenzhou urban area’s “establishment of national civilization city” on October 11, 2014 and required that the spirit of “driving nail” should be advocated on the promotion of the construction to ensure all tasks to be fulfilled on time.




Xiang visited the construction site of some key projects as Boliping road, Wenquan road, comprehensive treatment of Chenjiang river (downstream section), and etc. The 3kms long Boliping road is one of the main roads of Chenzhou city. Most of the roadbeds have been finished by the hardworking of the workers and it was estimated to be finished at the end of this month. Wenquan road is the arterial road connected with Chenzhou central urban area and Xiamei bridge area. It was promoted well after solving the problems as demolition, removal of roles and pipes, and etc. The foundation works for the comprehensive treatment of Chenjiang river has been finished and will be proceeded to greening and decoration work.


Xiang stated that both Boliping road and Wenquan road were the key projects for Chenzhou city’s development strategy of “expansion of western and northern areas”, and both were significant for forming a circulated communication network of Chenzhou urban area. Comprehensive treatment of Chenjiang river was an important well-being project for social concern. All the three projects should be fulfilled the preset targets on time; should be followed the spirit of “driving nail” to figure out specified targets, responsibility system, enhance the supervision and reward & punishment measures; should be promoted together with “one-hundred-day campaign” to seize the chance of golden construction season and carry out construction work scientifically; and should be followed the time schedule to arrange inverted duration and accelerate the construction process to finish them earlier.


Xiang and his investigation team visited Wanxing Market, Jinlong Market and some other farmers’ markets and back streets in Chenzhou urban area to check their work on “establishment of national civilization city”. If you came to Wanxing Market and Jinlong Market one month earlier, disordered sheds, dirty rubbishes, and etc. can be seen everywhere. But now, along with the joint governance of some departments, both the two markets were paved with asphalt pavement and decorated with better images along the road sides, which greatly helped to upgrade local condition and well praised by local people.


Xiang Lili highly affirmed the earlier stage’s “establishment of national civilization city” handled out by the departments. He stated that because of the poor foundation of this establishment work, some blind sides of civilization and uncivilized behaviors were still available in the urban area, which would cost a long time to deal with. But all the departments should keep the full energy to promote the establishment work. Cadres of Jinlong Market, the community of former flourmill and Nanling villa community well kept the spirit of “driving nail” to promote the civilization work and upgrade their communities to be typical models for the establishment of national civilization city.


Xiang said balanced attentions should be placed on main roads & back streets, “surface” & “interior part”, and city’s image & citizens’ image. The work of“establishment of national civilization city”should be promoted together with the educational practice of the Party’s mass line. More efforts should be tried on well-being projects to solve local people’s problems and make them truly benefit from the establishment work, only if that the work can be sincerely supported by the mass.


Some municipal leaders of Chenzhou city accompanied Xiang with this investigation.