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71 New Infrastructure Projects to be Handled in Chenzhou City


It was learned from the scheduling conference of Chenzhou urban area's infrastructure projects that 71 new projects would be handled out in 2016. As required by the conference, the preliminary procedures for all projects should be speed up to promote the construction of them.


10.796billion yuan investments were fulfilled on infrastructure projects in 2015, accounting for 100.51% of the annual plan. 120 projects fulfilled or over-fulfilled the annual plan. It is the opening year of "13th five-year plan" of 2016 that 71 more infrastructure projects will be handled in central urban area. 20 projects as Baishui road, Yashi road, Danhua road, and etc. will be launched in the first half year of 2016. On the basis of practical condition, review and scheduling for the problems on some projects which had not been launched in 2015, some which did not fulfill the annual plan in last year, and the projects which would be launched in the first half year of 2016 were presented on the conference. The solutions and specified time schedule of the projects were figured out there as well.


Liu Zhiwei, Deputy Mayor of Chenzhou City, stated that the infrastructure project so urban areas is one of the well-being projects, so all departments should handle the fundamental work as submission of project, land demolishing, and etc. in advance, should ensure the construction capitals to be placed on due time, and should ensure the construction work to be promoted in accordance with the time schedule.