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1.2Billion Yuan Placed on Well-being Projects


It was learned from Guidong county that it placed more investments on well-being projects in 2015, amounting to 1.266billion yuan, accounting for 78.79% of general budget expenditure.


According to the statistics issued by Guidong Finance Bureau that 246.38million yuan was placed on social security and employment in 2015. With the help of finance, 24,225 urban and rural residents were issued with basic pension. 1897 companies’ retirees were issued with 1793.07yuan/month averagely. The urban minimum living standards were 330yuan/month, 290yuan/month, 260yuan/month, and 210yuan/month based on Class 1, 2, 3, and 4, while the rural standards were 170yuan/month, 120yuan/month, and 90yuan/month based on Class 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The work on small-sum guaranteed loans for the laid-offs was well handled that 13.79million yuan loans with finance discount were released, which was 6.30million yuan more than last year. 246people were benefited from those loans. Till then, 1556 people had been issued with this kind of loans, which helped to provide 5207 job vacancies.


In order to promote the development of education, Guidong county placed more investments on it in 2015, up 15.63%. The salary, endowment insurance, medical insurance, housing funds, employment injury insurance, and other welfares issued for teachers were covered into fiscal guarantee. It also paid more attention on the improvement of rural schools, especially some remote areas. 4.42million yuan vocational educational funds were issued by the finance to introduce more talents, upgrade the educational facilities, and improve the capacity of vocational education.


Concerned for the health care, 142.18million yuan was placed by the finance. The per capita essential public health service funds was increased to 40yuan/person, and urban residents basic medical insurance and financial aid for new rural cooperative medical system were increased to 380yuan/person-year.


The best part was for the improvement of well-being projects. Over 12.66billion yuan was collected by Guidong county on well-being projects, which ensured the funds for well-being projects to be paid-in on time. On this point, the satisfaction rate of local people was improved greatly as well. It was introduced by Fu Jiangfeng- Director of Guidong Finance Bureau that the county would keep placing more investments on well-being projects in 2016.