On May 9, the second Dongjiang Lake (Chukou Town) Specialty Fruit Promotion & Loquat Tasting activity was held at Gaowan Village in Zixing City, actively participated by fruit wholesalers from various provinces. The event was designed to help growers fatten wallets through e-commerce and Douyin (the Chinese version of TikTok) livestreaming.

A total of 19 loquat farmers from Chukou Town made it to the final following the initial screening to win the title of “Loquat King”. To pick the largest loquat of the best quality, a series of procedures were conducted, including fruit observing, sampling, weighing, and sugar detecting by the city’s agricultural experts, and then the taste test by consumers. At last, Zeng Renshan garnered the reputation for his loquat weighing 118 grams, which was later sold for 500 yuan on a live auction.
Chukou Town has been consolidating and upgrading the agriculture industry by dint of its favorable geographic and climate conditions offered by Dongjiang Lake, a main source of drinking water in Chenzhou City and a strategic water source area in Hunan Province. An industrial layout has been carved out with citrus cultivation as the leading sector and “One Village, One Product” signature fruits like plums and loquats enjoying flourishing business together to boost income.