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Over 16 Million Yuan to be Placed on Wangxian Lake Water Intake Engineering

When reporters arrived at the construction site of Wangxian lake water intake engineering at 10:00 ......2015-01-13

Transformation and Development Projects of Xiamei Bridge to be Implemented Well

It was learned that the 46.2meters long Xiamei bridge has been placed to operation in both direction ......2015-01-12

New Peasants Training Course to be Opened in Qiaotou Town of Guidong County for the First Time

It was reported that a “tea industry” training course for new professional peasants was ......2015-01-12

More Measures to be Handled to Solve the Problems of Water Supply

It was learned from Chenzhou Water Supply Company on January 9, 2015 that the normal water supply o ......2015-01-12

Well Handle Regulation of Rural Housing to Grant Benefits for Farmers

It was reported that Liu Hesheng- Deputy Secretary of Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee investigat ......2015-01-11

Activity of “Bringing Intangible Cultural Heritage into Class” Carried out in Linwu County

As you can see from following image that the inheritor of Gaotai long-drum dance of Xiyao, Linwu co ......2015-01-11

Chenzhou Calligrapher-He Zongguo Wins Lanting Award of Chinese Calligraphy for the First Time

Recently, the award presentation ceremony of the 5th Chinese Calligraphy Lanting Award was held in ......2015-01-11

Chenzhou Has Productive Achievements on Analysis of Industrial Economy Operational Monitoring

Recently, “notification for 2014 Hunan provincial evaluation of excellent analysis report on ......2015-01-11

Finding Jobs in Local Area

When reporters arrived at Renli village, Dongjiang town, Zixing city on January 4, 2015, some wom ......2015-01-10

One Thousand Years Old Camphor Tree in Xianjiang Village of Jiahe County

As you can see from following image, some villagers of Xianjiang village, Shiqiao town, Jiahe count ......2015-01-10

Pooling Collective Wisdom

Chenzhou Government collected advices for “government work report" “Please help to shar ......2015-01-10

Zhoumensi Town Honored with Title of “2014 Hunan Demonstration Town of Safety Production”

It was learned from the file of “general office of Hunan Provincial Government’s notifi ......2015-01-09

Jiahe County’s New Year Greeting for Rural Residents with Sound Performance of Drama

As you can see from following image, some volunteers and actors of Peng’s Huagu Opera Troupe ......2015-01-09

Chenzhou’s Aquatic Products Exported to Vietnam

It was reported recently ten thousand of fresh sturgeon which was cultivated by Zixing Liangmei Xun ......2015-01-09

Special Investigation on Payment of Farmers to be Carried out by Eight Departments of Chenzhou City

Chinese Spring Festival is coming, the migrant workers who worked hard in last year are waiting for ......2015-01-09

Qu Hai Investigated Urban Water Supply

He required that basic water supply and drinking water safety should be guaranteed It was reported ......2015-01-08

Jiahe County Started Construction on Conservancy Projects to Ensure New Year’s Regular Water Supply and Irrigation

In recent days, the workers were busying with the maintenance work of channels of Bantou Water Res ......2015-01-08

Dongjiang Lake Landscape Passed Secret Investigation Handled out by National Tourism Administration

It was learned from the scheduling conference for Dongjiang lake’s establishment of 5A lands ......2015-01-08

“Three Roads, One River” Project Covered with 110 Million Yuan Investment Being Operated Well

When reporters arrived at the construction site of supporting infrastructure for diverting and tec ......2015-01-07

Sound Respondents of Chenzhou City’s Reform of Economic System

It was learned from Chenzhou Development and Reform Commission that Chenzhou city focused on dealin ......2015-01-07

The Demands of Technical Workers Exceed Supply on Jiahe County’s Industrial Upgrading of Casting and Forging Industry

It was reported that due to the upgrading of Jiahe county’s casting and forging industry and ......2015-01-06

Hongxing Bridge of Hunan Provincial Highway S322 to be Opened to Public in This March

As you can see from following picture, workers who fought on the construction site of Hongxing Bridg ......2015-01-06

Farming Picture in Fog

As you can see from following image, some farmers of Zhongxingdong village, Puman town, Jiahe count ......2015-01-05

Total Fiscal Revenue of Chenzhou Hit 24.03 Billion Yuan in 2014

2015: finance and tax work should be handled with new improvements It was learned from the debriefi ......2015-01-05

Great Amount Saved via On-line Government Procurement of Yizhang County

Recently, the biding of Yizhang county's public renting system of cycles was settled successfully. ......2015-01-04