Recently, the first phase of 2013 entrepreneurship training course was finished in Guidong county. 289 people were benefited from this phase.
As a one class old revolutionary base, Guidong government placed much more attention on the promotion of entrepreneurship. More trainings lectured by the professors of Chenzhou employment center and technical engineers of Guidong county were held by the government to upgrade people’s ability on handling entrepreneurship businesses. To meet the demand of Guidong county’s construction of “ecological Guidong” and “forest county”, more courses concerned of “ecological industry” were taught there.
According to the record, more than 3000 people were graduated from the entrepreneurship training, and more than 2000 people started their private business successfully.
Thanks to their successful businesses, more than 2000 vacancies were provided to local people.
It was introduced that all the members who attended the entrepreneurship training were kept in the file to be provided with follow-up service and support. More than 30 million yuan subsides were issued to over 1000 graduates to promote the development of their private businesses which greatly helped to upgrade Guidong county’s construction and improvement.