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Mineral Museum


Fluorite, calcite, crystal, tourmaline, wheel mineral, cinnabar, lapis lazuli, rhodochrosite, hailanbao. There are many kinds of mineral gems in the 8th CMGE, many of which are of great collection value at home and abroad. People can enter CMGE mall by clicking the "online transaction" on the home page of CMGE App, including mineral crystals, jewelry, silver products, ornamental stones and other categories.




"Just like other shopping websites, you can also see shop information and product introduction here. It also supports wechat payment." Citizen Miss Chen told reporters. Such online exhibitions and transactions relying on the CMGE Cloud platform are not limited by the exhibition time and exhibition place, breaking the quantity limit, and can provide more kinds and quantity of exhibition space for more businesses. In addition, CMGE Cloud platform launched 20 VR panoramic special booths and 500 standard booths. The two sections of exhibition and trade are directly connected and closely integrated, realizing that exhibition is trade. As of 23:59 on December 21, 329 businesses were registered on the platform, 216 businesses released products and 2976 products were exhibited.











