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Employment of Foreigners in Chenzhou



Administrative licensing project: Employment of Foreigners in Chenzhou
Licensing Guiding Principles:
1. "Decision of the State Council on the Enactment of Administrative Licensing for the Necessarily Reserved Projects Subject to Administrative Examination and Approval" (Decree No. 412 of the State Council)
2. "Administrative Rules for Foreigners' Employment in China" (No.29 [1996] by Labor Ministry); Article 5 in "Implementation Method of 'Administrative Rules for Foreigners' Employment in China' in Hunan Province" (No. 49 [2002] by Hunan Labor Ministry: The employer shall apply for the employment permission if it intends to employ foreigners and may do so after obtaining approval and "Employment License for Foreigners by People's Republic of China" (hereinafter License for short)
Licensees: foreign employees in Chenzhou city and their employers.
Licensing requirements for foreigners seeking employment in Chenzhou:
(1) Over the age of 18 and in good health;
(2) Professional skills and job experience required for the job involved;
(3) No criminal record;
(4)  A clearly-defined employer;
(5) Valid passport or other international travel documents with the same validity as the passport.
Application Materials:
1: Application Report on employment of the foreigner (including: information about the employer and the foreigner, reasons for employment as well as the foreigner's post)
2: Letter of intent for employment (labor contract)
3: Valid passport or other international travel documents with the same validity as the passport
4: Foreigner's curriculum vitae and education background
5: Foreigner's qualification credentials for the job involved
6: Foreigner's health credentials (exam credentials on foreigner's physical record or health credentials for international travel)
7: Qualification documents of employer (Business License, Organization Code Certificate, Tax Registration Certificate, Certificate of Approval, etc.)
8: Credentials on No Criminal Record of the foreigner (issued by relevant departments of the foreigner's nationality)
9: POA (power of attorney) of legal representatives of the employ and valid identification document of the authorized person.
10: filled forms "Uniform Acceptance Registration of Administrative Licensing Application", "Information Form for Foreigner's Employment" and "Materials Form for Administrative Licensing (Exam and Approval) Project "(forms available at acceptance windows)
Photocopy of these application materials should also be officially stamped and the foreign language material should be accompanied by a Chinese version.
Licensing fee: free
Licensing period: 10 working days.