Market players amounted to 110,600 with increased registered capital of 12.661 billion yuan
It was learned from Chenzhou Industrial and Commercial Bureau that the market players amounted to 110,600 in 2012, up 9.94%, with total registered capital of 77.519 billion yuan, up 10.63%. 18106 were the new ones with an increase of 6.8%. New registered capital amounted to 12.661 billion yuan with an increase of 3.98%.
There were some new features for the development of the main market players. First, large enterprises became stronger with the accelerating gathering of development elements. Though the quantity of enterprises decreases in 2012, the total registered capital increased rapidly. The key reason caused for this was further revolution for the state-owned enterprises and collectively-owned enterprises which enabled the enterprises to be more competitive. At the meantime, enhanced supervision actions were taken by the industrial and commercial department to withdraw the license of some dead companies legally.
Second, non-public economy became the main employment channel, especially the farmers’specialized cooperatives played a positive role in promoting farmers’ income. More favorable policies were issues by Chenzhou Industrial and Commercial Bureau to encourage and support all types of qualified personnel to start their private businesses. As of the end of last December, registered individual businesses and private enterprises hit 94002 and 11181 separately with 0.53 million jobholders. Furthermore, 1387 farmers’specialized cooperatives were established with 1.511 billion yuan capitals with the growth of 55.49% and 86.31% respectively.
In 2012, the new 2027 private companies and 15,357 individual businesses were concentrated in the wholesale and retail industry, catering and resident services, and other service industries, which highly improve the development of the tertiary industry. Currently, individual businesses and private enterprises engaged in the tertiary industry accounted for 91.16% and 68.09% of the total of Chenzhou city.