Nine special requirements listed by Xiang Lili on the conference to ensure the good progress of traffic construction.
2013 is the crucial year for the traffic construction of Chenzhou city. On the traffic construction and transportation working conference of Chenzhou city held on March 13, 2013, Xiang Lili- Secretary of Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee delivered an important speech and listed nine special requirements to carry the work well.
Traffic condition is the key point and support concerned for the improvement of Chenzhou city. In 2012, 12.64 billion yuan was invested on the traffic construction in Chenzhou city, ranking first place in Hunan province. 2 expressways, 218kms highways, and 514kms village roads were opened to traffic. Meanwhile, road management and greening work were handle well ahead of other cities of Hunan province.
According to the year plan, 13 billion yuan investment of traffic construction should be fulfilled in 2013, preliminary work for 23 projects should be completed, 240.6kms highways should be opened to public, etc.. All of those tough tasks are hard pressure for Chenzhou government.
Xiang Lili highly affirmed the achievements reached on traffic construction and encouraged all the departments to keep carrying out the construction work to meet the targets set in the year plan.
To ensure the good progress of traffic construction, 9 special requirements on planning programming, preliminary work, propaganda, project owner, support work, construction organization, road management, leadership responsibility and rewards & punishment were listed by Xiang Lili.
Xiang also emphasized that besides the construction issues, the scientific level of construction management should be upgraded as well to improve the transportation level.
Evaluation report of 2012 Chenzhou transportation development and rural roads construction was released and advanced units in 2012 Chenyong avenue labor competition were rewarded on the conference. Responsible pledges were submitted by counties and departments on site.
Some municipal leaders of Chenzhou city attended the conference.