Chenzhou Establishment and Construction Office
Notice for 2012 Work Plan on Chenzhou National Sanitary City Establishment
January 12, 2012
2012 is the critical year for achieving all the standards of a national sanitary city as required by Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee and Chenzhou Government. With the purpose of confirmingChenzhou to meet the “national sanitary city criterions”, the Establishment and Construction Office drew up the following work plan for 2012.
Ⅰ. General goal
Chenzhou should consummate the city infrastructure according to“national sanitary city criterions”, upgrade the city sanitary management level, intensify industry sanitary management, improve the city environment quality, and should increase the citizens’ satisfaction rate to meet the national sanitary city standards.
Ⅱ.Main Works
1. Paying more attention to sanitary management. Chenzhou should consummate the sanitary network construction, establish better sanitary examination evaluation system, strengthen the sanitary units’ construction, and should confirm the citizen satisfaction rate higher than 90%.
2. Carrying out health education activities. Chenzhou should build health education institute to arousethe awareness ofstudents, patients, employees and residents with better health knowledge and behaviors.
3. Renovating Chenzhou sanitary environment. Chenzhou should propel the movement of renovating city sanitary environment thoroughly to improve the sanitary level, improve the infrastructure condition, enhance the construction site management to practice a civilized construction mechanism, improve the environment along with the railway, practice the responsibility system on center city roads and “three rivers” sections, and should completely finish the agricultural and subsidiary products market improvement.
4. Strengthening industry supervision. Chenzhou should issue the rules and regulations and establish the system of intensifying sanitary management.
5. Improving a living and ecological condition.Chenzhou should accelerate to finish the sewage disposal net construction, enhance the environment protection to avoid severe environment pollution accident, and should upgrade city air quality.
6. Intensifying the infectious disease prevention and cure. Chenzhou should upgrade medical agencies infectious decease system.
7. Enhancing “four insects” prevention and cure. Chenzhou should confirm no sanitary corner for multiplying of four insects.
8. Upgrading the sanitary level of communities and units. Chenzhou should improve thesanitary condition of the community, unit and real estate
9. Improving the sanitary condition of urban village and rural-urban fringe zone.Chenzhou should enhance the infrastructure construction for urban village and rural-urban fringe zone sanitary condition.
10. Collecting sanitary city establishment files. Chenzhou should collect the files of the sanitary city establishment for fully and objectively showing the work of sanitary city establishment.
Ⅲ.Working measures
1. Keeping strong leadership and management. All the departments should enhance the leadership and take their responsibility to cooperate together and get through the critical year for the establishment of sanitary city.
2. Keeping guiding and innovating. Chenzhou should focus on the key points of the sanitary establishment and fully use different mediassuch astelevisions, newspapers, radios and internets to promote the propaganda and education for full involvement of citizens
3. Keep setting leading examples. Every principal of departments should set the example to take part in the sanitary city establishment activity to accomplish ten key tasks.
4. Enhancing supervision. All the relative units should follow “national sanitary city criterions” to examine their work. Chenzhou Establishment and Construction Office will take the full supervision for the sanitary city establishment and report its supervision work accordingly.