Documentary of Chenzhou financial revolution In despite of the international financial crisis, Chen ......2012-10-31
Pearl of Hunan & Guangdong Provincial ChannelDocumentary for the county economy development of Yizhang County Yizhang, (Chinese version:宜章 )na ......2012-10-30
Linkage Helps Linwu County Going AheadDevelopment of Linwu county economy Linage of new industrialization, new urbanization, and industri ......2012-10-29
New Opportunities Brought along with Integration of Urban & Rural AreasJiahe county’s development of county economy Compared with other counties of Chenzhou city, on ......2012-10-28
“Energy Expressway” of 320 Million Yuan to Operate at Guidong CountyWhen reporters arrived at the site of 220kv power transmission station of Guidong County, technicia ......2012-10-27
Keeping Upgraded under Contrarian ConditionDocumentary of Developing County Economy in Yongxing People asserted that because of the continuou ......2012-10-27
Triumph Song for Chenjiang RiverSuxian District’s development of county economy It is a harvest autumn season as well as the ......2012-10-25