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750 Million Yuan Placed on Transportation Projects



It was learned from Chenzhou Transportation Bureau that 752million yuan investments have been placed on transportation projects in the first quarter of 2016, which is 39million yuan more than last year. It is a beginning of this year.


In the first quarter, 21.8million yuan, 120million yuan, 267million yuan, 170million yuan, 20million yuan, and 153.2million yuan were placed on expressways, arterial highways, greening of highways, logistics projects, rural roads, reconstruction of dangerous bridges & stations, and unplanned projects respectively.


Concerned for the expressways, the stay cable of Shichi Bridge of Xiarong expressway has been changed. It was estimated to be placed to operation in this October. The coordination, preparation work, and investment attraction on Guixin, Huangchang, Chaanleichang, and Linlian expressways are being promoted actively. Chenzhou Bei exit of Jinggang’ao expressway is being under construction. Concerned for the arterial highways, 11 continuous construction projects as S212 Beihu Huatang- Baohe are being fully promoted.3 projects as Zixing Qingjiang-Tukou highway of the 8 ones which were planned to be launched within 2016 have been started; working plans for 2 of them as S354 Linwu downtown-Chajiangkou highway have been approved; and rest three as G107 Suxian Liangtian ring town highway are being proceeded to the preliminary work. Concerned for the rural roads and reconstruction of dangerous bridges (ferries), 201.2kms upgrading and reconstruction of rural roads have been started.

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