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Enjoy Ginkgo in Chenzhou City

As you can see from the above picture, some visitors were enjoying the ginkgo landscape in Jiahe Nan ......2013-11-13

Fourth Phase of “Greening Project” to be Fully Launched in Chenzhou Urban Area

It was reported that the promotion conference for forth phase of Chenzhou urban area’s &ldquo ......2013-11-13

Job Fair for Undertaking Industrial Transfer Holds in Chenzhou City

1600 people reached employment intentions with the enterprises It was reported that a large on-sit ......2013-11-13

Ready for Arranging Exhibition in Chenzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center

As you can see from above picture, the construction workers were busy with the final mop-up construc ......2013-11-13

Pragmatic Results Achieved on Xiang Lili’s Investment Attraction Trip to Israel and South Africa

Xiang Lili- Secretary of Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee was talking with Gillard Erdan- Minister ......2013-11-13

Leiyi Expressway Opens to Public Both-way

It was reported that after 5 months hardworking, the maintenance project of Leiyi expressway (a part ......2013-11-12

Qu Hai Investigates New Urbanization Construction

It was reported that Qu Hai- Deputy Secretary of Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Ch ......2013-11-12

Qu Hai: Further Promotion for “One-hundred-day Campaign”

It was reported that an on-site conference for “one-hundred-day campaign” of key project ......2013-11-12

Two More Hunan Provincial Enterprise Technology Centers Available in Chenzhou City

It was learned from Chenzhou Economy and Information Commission that the 19th qualified Hunan enter ......2013-11-11

Breakthrough Achieves on Bond Market Financing in Chenzhou City

It was learned from Finance Office of Chenzhou Government that more breakthroughs were achieved on ......2013-11-11

Retreatment for Chenzhou Streetscape with Chenzhou Charm

“It was used to be chaos along Chenjiang river with dirty building surface and littery air co ......2013-11-11

Rapid Construction is Handled on Construction of Guidong Section of Yanru Expressway

It was introduced that Yanru expressway is one of the parts for Hunan provincial expressway network. ......2013-11-09

Chenzhou City Keeps Stable Increase on Scale Industries

It was learned from the data about first three quarters’ scale industries released by Chenzhou Econ ......2013-11-09

192 Teachers and Students of Yizhang County to be Subsidized with Central Special Public Welfare Fund from Lottery

It was reported that 192 teachers and students of Yizhang county would be subsidized with 0.888 mil ......2013-11-08

Leaders of Hunan Provincial Federation of Trade Union Affirmed Chenzhou City’s Labor Contest of “One-hundred-day Campaign”

It was reported that Zhong Xiaomi- Deputy Secretary of Party Group and Vice Chairman of Hunan Provi ......2013-11-08

Qu Hai Investigates Infrastructure Projects in Central Urban Area

When reporters arrived at the construction site of Chenzhou Cultural Arts Center, workers were work ......2013-11-08

Jiahe: Small Gardens to be Built in about One Hundred Villages

It was learned that Jiahe county placed much more attention on the small gardens construction in rur ......2013-11-07

Leiyi Expressway to be Re-opened to Public on This November 8

It was learned from Leiyi expressway maintenance project department that the northward direction pa ......2013-11-07

70% Financial Resources Place on Well-being Projects in Chenzhou City in Recent Three Years

According to the data, total fiscal revenue of Chenzhou city was kept increasing in recent years fr ......2013-11-07

Guidong Couty Listed as One of National Key Tea-producing Counties

It was introduced that followed with the principal to promote tea industry as Guidong county’ ......2013-11-06

Above-scale Industrial Profits Increases 17.4% in First Three Quarters

It was learned from Chenzhou Statistics Bureau that the main business income for above-scale indust ......2013-11-06

Chenzhou City Named 2013 Best Hot Area’s Ecological City of Subtropical Regions

It was learned from Chinese City Management website that Chenzhou city was enrolled into the name l ......2013-11-06

Qu Hai: Further Improvement on Approval Efficiency to Promote Projects Construction

It was reported that a concentrated approval meeting for Chenhou urban area’s key projects wa ......2013-11-06

“Chenzhou City’s Conservation Plan of Historic Cultural City” to be Deliberated

Recently, the draft of “Chenzhou city’s conservation plan of historic cultural city (20 ......2013-11-05

68 Million Yuan Collects on Construction of Well-being Projects

Reporters visited Jiyi town, Rucheng county on November 2, 2013 and founded that the new passenger ......2013-11-05