It is learned from Chenzhou Finance & Securities Office that a breakthrough of Chenzhou trust finan ......2012-09-19
Wilder Agriculture Industrialization Development Reached in Suxian DistrictTotal value of out-put hit 175.98 million yuan in first half year for 25 leading agricultural enter ......2012-09-18
Fighting for Steady GrowthThe leader group of new industry promotion work held a conference on September 10, 2012 to deliver ......2012-09-15
91 Projects Settled at Investment Attraction Conference of the 2nd China Chenzhou International Tourism FestivalThe investment attraction conference of 2012 China Hunan international tourism festival & the 2nd C ......2012-09-15
Guiyang County to be Top 10 of Hunan County EconomyIt was learned from the evaluation results of Hunan county economy, Guiyang county, Chenzhou city r ......2012-09-14
Three Roads CompletedIt was learned that the project with 140 million investments - Bashang road, Zeyuan road and the ea ......2012-09-13
34 Policies Issued to Support Small and Micro EnterprisesIt was learned from Chenzhou Economy and Information Committee that Chenzhou government had issued ......2012-09-08
Signing Conference on Chenzhou Yuehe Yiwu Small Commodity Market HeldThe brand shop signing conference & investment attraction launching ceremony in Chenzhou Yuehe Yiwu ......2012-09-07
Boosting Industrial Park Construction to Guarantee Chenzhou Economy DevelopmentThe leadership group conference of Chenzhou industrial park work was held on September 4, 2012. Dep ......2012-09-07
Preliminary Work on Yongzhou-Chenzhou Railway Carried out WellRecently, the preliminary work conference for Yongzhou-Chenzhou railway construction was held in Gu ......2012-09-06
Energy Saving Lamps Light up Lingwu County“How bright the street is! Let’s go to dance!”- Villagers of Shijiang village, Ch ......2012-09-05
Excusable Charges Should be Exempted according to Relative PoliciesAs for the problem that the merged project charges were not been exempted, which was found on the g ......2012-09-04
Qingjiang Orange Yield Expected to Reach 60 Million KilogramsIt was learned from Qingjiang village government of Zixing city that Qingjiang orange obtained good ......2012-09-03
Agricultural Material Inspection Assists Rucheng County in Establishing Civilized CountyIt was learned from Agricultural Bureau of Rucheng County that the agricultural law enforcement tea ......2012-08-31
Grape VillageChangchongpu village which locates along the bank of Chenjiang River is in the north of Chenzhou ci ......2012-08-30
Anren County Industrial Park Approved to be First Batch of Hunan Provincial Industrial Concentration DistrictIt was learned that Anren industrial park was approved to be Hunan provincial industrial concentrat ......2012-08-30
Xiang Lili Attends Governance through TV Activity Concerning Chenzhou Traffic Construction “When can the pipes hindering the progress of Chenzhou-Yongxing road be removed?”
&ldq ......2012-08-29
In order to make good preparation for Guidong session of 2012 China Hunan International Tourism Fes ......2012-08-27
Preliminary Work Schedule Conference for Chenzhou Key Projects HeldChenzhou government is working even harder on the construction of key projects’ preliminary w ......2012-08-25
Xiang Lili Controls Preparation Work of Chenzhou International Leisure Tourism Festival"Mobilizing all the citizens, holding a wonderful tourism festival."said Xiang Lili, Secretary of Ch ......2012-08-19
Qu Hai Leads Team for Investment AttractionIt is a new measure to lead the team for investment attraction. On August 15, 2012, Qu Hai- Deputy S ......2012-08-18
Construction Commencement Ceremony of Dongfeng Square, Surrounded Areas LaunchedThe construction commencement ceremony of Meimei World City Commercial Square- a development projec ......2012-08-18
Post Doctor of Beijing University Willing to Join in “Team of Zixing Talent Introduction”Recently, one post doctor from Beijing University submitted his job application to Zixing governmen ......2012-08-15
36000 Residents Benefits from Shilong Water Source Project of Zixing CityIt was learned from the completion test of Shilong water source project that 36000 residents of Xin ......2012-08-15
Hong Kong SAR Government’s Chengdu Economy and Trade Office Director Leads a Team to Visit ChenzhouOn August 9, 2012, Pan Taiping- Director of Hong Kong SAR Government’s Chengdu Economy and Tr ......2012-08-14