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Well Meet National Standard of Establishment of National Forest City

It was learned from the scheduling conference for Chenzhou city’s establishment of national f ......2014-05-26

Seventh Mount Mang Alpine Azalea Festival Opens

It was reported that the seventh Mount Mang Alpine Azalea Festival was launched on May 22, 2014 in ......2014-05-26

Great Attention on Improvement of Well-being Condition

Total expenditure of public financial budget was over 10billion yuan It was learned from Chenzhou F ......2014-05-25

Three Efficiency Supervision Work to be Carried out from June to October in Chenzhou City

It was learned from the mobilization conference for efficiency supervision work on special projects ......2014-05-25

Civilization Construction in Chenzhou City

First wheelchair race for the disabled was held in Chenzhou city ......2014-05-25

Minister of Hunan Provincial Department of Commerce Visits Chenzhou City

It was purposely to check Chenzhou city's development of export-oriented economy It was reported th ......2014-05-24

2014 Emergency Demonstration Training for Suxian District Militia Company Starts

Trainees were listening to class The trainer was teaching trainees the operation of speedboat Militi ......2014-05-24

117 Poverty-stricken Families in Zixing City Facilitated with Low-rent Houses

Over 3000 sets were finished in the city It was reported that an allocation conference for first ba ......2014-05-24

“Trans-Chenzhou Ecology Trip- Rucheng County”- Ecological Changes Through Rucheng County People’s Eyes

Rucheng county- an ecological and green county covers 73.69% forest and reserves 130,000mu secondar ......2014-05-23

An Investigation Group of Hunan Provincial Department of Justice Visits Chenzhou City

It was learned that Liu Daolong led a working group of“three-coordination action” to in ......2014-05-23

Nothing Can Stop the Promotion of Projects Construction

Sidelight on Xiang Lili’s efforts on promotion of projects construction in Linwu county Proje ......2014-05-22

237 Minerals from Chenzhou City Shown on China (Changsha) International Mineral Expo

Visitors were attracted to Chenzhou pavilion to enjoy the amazing mineral crystals It was reported t ......2014-05-22

Great Achievements on Improvement of 14 Key Special Markets Projects

It was learned that HK Wang On Group Limited signed the agreement with Beihu district on the invest ......2014-05-21

“Week of Science and Technology” to be Launched in Chenzhou City

It was reported that a launching ceremony for “week of science and technology” was launched in Xif ......2014-05-21

Growth Rate of Chenzhou City’s Scale Industry Ranks Third Place of Hunan Province

It was learned from Chenzhou Economy and Information Commission that Chenzhou city’s growth r ......2014-05-21

Focusing on Main Battlefield with “Golden Key”

Scheduling conference for overall development of urban and rural areas & industrial parks’ wo ......2014-05-20

Upgrading Ecological Condition with Sound Protection and Treatment Work

Leading group conference for comprehensive control of heavy metal pollution and water pollution of ......2014-05-20

New Chenzhou City’s Master Plan

Preview of upgraded version of Chenzhou city’s planning “2009 Chenzhou city’s mas ......2014-05-19

Singing Ceremony for Strategic Cooperation of Financial Poverty Alleviation in Luoxiao Mountainous Area Holds in Rucheng County

It was reported that a singing ceremony for strategic cooperation of establishment of demonstration ......2014-05-18

Keeping Promoting Upgrading of Chenzhou City

The on-site conference for promotion of upgrading of Chenzhou city & demolition work was held in Ch ......2014-05-17

Upgraded Version of Chenzhou Planning

Second plenary session of Chenzhou Planning Commission of Urban and Rural Areas was held in Chenzho ......2014-05-16

Fighting for Construction of Hongguang Logistic Project

It was learned that workers of Hongguang logistic project were busy in Construction issues recentl ......2014-05-16

Chenzhou Hongjin International Agricultural Products Logistics Center Settles down in Beihu District

It was reported that Chenzhou Hongjin International Agricultural Products Logistics Center which wa ......2014-05-15

Main Body of Modern Manorial Economy- Improvement of Economy

Investigation group of Chenzhou People’s Congress Standing Committee visited Anren county to ......2014-05-15

Viewing Deck of Suxianling Attracts More Visitors

It was learned more visitors were attracted to enjoy their time on viewing deck of Suxianling, esp ......2014-05-15