From this September, Zixing city firstly tried the financing mechanism of crediting loan with land m ......2014-11-01
Good Harvest for 4000Mu Hybrid Rice of Qili TownGood harvest for 4000mu hybrid rice planted in Qili town, Zixing city Good harvest for 4000mu hybrid ......2014-07-24
Scaled Plantation of Gastrodia Elata to be Formed in Suxian DistrictIt was the first one in south Hunan province As you can see from above image, Chen Hongzhi- principa ......2014-05-29
Mechanization Technology for Rice Transplanting to be Promoted in Beihu DistrictIn order to save the labor force, increase the income of farmers and upgrade the devices of modern a ......2014-04-27
Land Transfer Attracts More Villagers Return to Hometown to Start BusinessesAs you can see from above image, farmers were working on laying drop irrigation pipes for the grap ......2014-04-20
Standard Waste Water Release for Baoshan None-ferrous Metal Mining Tails Waste Water PlantWhen reporters arrived at Baoshan Non-ferrous Metal Mining, the staffs were busy in handling the ......2014-04-12
42,000mu Flue-cured Tobacco Transplanted in Anren CountyAs you can see from above picture, the tobacco farmers were busy in transplanting the flue-cure toba ......2014-03-30
88,000mu Tea Planting Areas Assist for People’s Increase of IncomeWei Changming who used to be a forester started his tea planting business after learning the favora ......2014-02-27
Serving for Spring PloughingThough it was cold in the middle of February, villagers of Nitang village of Guidong county were bu ......2014-02-26
Accelerate the Construction of Infrastructure and Industrialization of AgricultureThe Vice Governor Xu Minghua led an investigation team for the agriculture development in Yizhang Co ......2012-04-19
Tea Oil Industrialization ProjectProject Initiator: Chenzhou Bangertai Suxian Oil Co., Ltd. Project Content: Build new oil tea forest ......2011-04-27
Yongxing County Bingtang Orange Industrial ParkProject Initiator: Yongxing County Agriculture Bureau Project Content: 60 mu of land is planned for ......2011-04-27
Wuling Heifeng Black-bone Chicken and Green-shell Egg IndustrializationProject Initiator: Chenzhou Zhongyi Foodstuff production Co., Ltd. Project Content: 1. In 2010, br ......2011-04-27
Suxian District Cassava Industrialization DevelopmentProject Initiator: Chenzhou Fuhhua Foodstuff Co., Ltd Project Content: Chenzhou Fuhhua Foodstuff Co. ......2011-04-27
Bisporus Mushroom Production and ProcessingProject Initiator: Chenzhou Minghua Foodstuff Co., Ltd Zip Code: 423000 Project Content: 1. Bisporu ......2011-04-27
Edible Mushroom Industrialization DevelopmentProject Initiator: Chenzhou City Suxian District Town & Township Enterprises Bureau Project Content: ......2011-04-27
High-grade Edible Mushroom Production and ProcessingProject Initiator: Anren Couty Pingshang Township People’s Government, Anren County Pingshang ......2011-04-27
200,000-mu Oil Tea Base and 10,000t/a Tea Oil Intensive ProcessingProject Initiator: Anren County Forestry Bureau Zip Code: 423600 Project Content: Anren County has ......2011-04-22