6.18 Billion Yuan Investment Has Been Finished on Chenzhou Urban Area’s Infrastructure Construction from January to May

It was learned from the scheduling conference for Chenzhou urban area’s infrastructure constr ......2014-06-12

Without Short of Electricity in the Peak Season

From July on, Chenzhou has suffered from the heat causing the electricity load to increase. Now it i ......2012-07-17

New Energy Construction of Wind Power Steadily Propelled in Linwu County

It was learned from Linwu wind-power office that Jinjiang wind-power project - the first completed w ......2012-07-15

Advanced Industrial Sewage Treatment Patent Technology To be Applied

Water pollution treatment is the most important issue for papermaking enterprises. The concern over ......2012-07-04

Transportation Construction Hits 2.6 Billion Yuan in Five Months of 2012

It was learned from Chenzhou Transportation Bureau, the total amount of Chenzhou transportation con ......2012-06-01

“Three- year Project of Water Conservancy” in Chenzhou to Start

It was learned from Chenzhou working conference of the three- year project of water conservancy and ......2012-05-14

Greening Scenery of Chenzhou Road

In recent years, in order to upgrade the city level, Chenzhou implemented many activities as &ldqu ......2012-03-01

Caring People from Hongkong Visited Disabled and Orphaned Children

A few days ago, a batch of caring people from Hongkong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other places visite ......2012-02-29

Yongxing County West Ring Road Expansion Project

Project Initiator: Yongxing County Urban Construction, Operation and Investment Co., Ltd Project Co ......2011-04-22

Yongxing County South Long-distance Bus Station Construction

Project Initiator: Yongxing County Bureau of Communications Project Content:The original Yongxing L ......2011-04-22

Guiyang County Town Guiyang Avenue

Project Initiator: Guiyang County Urban Construction and Investment Co., Ltd Project Content:Guiyan ......2011-04-22

Comprehensive Treatment and Development of Tailings Heavy Metal Pollution of Ganxi River

Project Initiator: Chenzhou Municipal Bureau for Environment Protection Zip Code: 423000 Project Con ......2011-04-22

Beihu Section Reconstruction of Chenzhou-Zixing-Guiyang City Road

Project Initiator: Chenzhou Beihu District Communications Construction and Investment Co., Ltd. Add ......2011-04-22

Integral Removal of Chenzhou City Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital

Project Initiator: Chenzhou City Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Project Content: Located at ......2011-04-22

Integral Development of Chenzhou City Shibaquan For-the-aged Apartments

Project Initiator: Chenzhou City Shibaquan For-the-aged Apartments Co., Ltd. Project Content: At Tia ......2011-04-22

Chenzhou Buliping Road Construction

Project Initiator: Chenzhou Municipal Bureau of Construction Project Content: Construction content ......2011-04-22