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Finding a Way out with Transformation and Upgrading

Qu Hai stated on his investigation trip to Jiahe county It was learned that Qu Hai- Deputy Secretary ......2014-10-22

Yongxing County Over-fulfills 2014 Rural Road Construction Task beforehand

It was learned from Yongxing Transportation Bureau that till now 19.3kms mileage rural roads with 15 ......2014-10-18

Technology, Industry and Trade Revenues Hit Over 4 Billion Yuan in Yizhang Industrial Park

It was reported that Yizhang county’s open economy was improved rapidly that the industrial pa ......2014-08-17

Further Improvement of Modern Agriculture with Land Transaction

“Ten-thousand-mu mulberry park”, “ten-thousand-mu blueberry base”, Zhanxian ......2014-08-17

“Car-free Day” Activity Carried out in Jiahe County

It was the 7th “World Car-free Day” of China on September 22, 2013. In order to make be ......2013-09-24

Enhanced Support on Leading Enterprises to Boost the Development of Modern Agriculture

It was reported that a new PET plastic bottle of beverage production line which was invested with 20 ......2013-07-08

First Phase of Civil Air Defense Project to be Completed in this December

It was reported that the civil air defense project named“light of Guiyang” was under intensified c ......2013-07-08

50 Million Yuan Streetscape Reconstruction Project Promotes Well in Yizhang County

When the reporters arrived at Yiliu town, Yizhang county in the early of this July, workers were bus ......2013-07-05

Reform of Road Network Promotes Well in Guiyang County

2013 China (Chenzhou) International Leisure Tourism and Culture Festival would be held in Guiyang c ......2013-06-21

Ecological Cantaloupe to be in the Market

Cantaloupes in the field of Qingjiang county, Zixing city Harvest cantaloupes When reporters arrived ......2013-06-18

Unemployment Insurance Task Fulfills Ahead of Schedule

It was learned from Zixing Unemployment Insurance Station that till the end of May, 13.36 million y ......2013-06-17

2013 Job Fair for Enterprises of Chenzigui ‘Two-oriented Society’ Demonstration Belt

The hot job fair spot It was learned that “2013 job fair for enterprises of Chenzigui ‘ ......2013-06-17

Establishment of National Demonstration County of Leisure Agriculture and Rural Tourism

It is a very important brand for national demonstration county of leisure agriculture and rural tou ......2013-06-14

Guiyang Industrial Park Starts Construction of Non-ferrous Metal Smelting and Processing Project Zone

It was reported that construction of non-ferrous metal smelting and processing project zone was lau ......2013-06-14

Great Achievements for Cooperation with Central Enterprises in Zixing City

Followed with the arrangement of Chenzhou joint office on the cooperation work with central enterpr ......2013-06-13

A New Award Grants for Linwu “Shun” Brand

It was learned from the fifth China Hunan Rear Livestock & Feed Industry Expo that a new award was g ......2013-06-10

Implementation of Favorable Policies on Farmers Fully Supervised

In order to ensure all the favorable policies on farmers can be implemented well in Zixing city, som ......2013-06-01

Depth Inspection Handles by Hunan Provincial Political and Legal Work Inspection Team in Jiahe County

An inspection team led by Song Jiawu- Deputy Secretary of Hunan Provincial Politics and Law Committ ......2013-05-24

One Hundred Million Yuan Contracts Signed

Recently, a special sales exhibition-“Hunan Product” was held in Zhenzhou city, Henan p ......2013-05-23

New Industrial Park Construction to be Promoted in Zixing City

Recently, the promotion conference of construction work on “Zixing Fifth Industrial Park&rdqu ......2013-05-12

Living Condition Improvement Upgraded in Yizhang county

Recently, when reporters visited Kuanglidong village, Yizhang county, cement concrete pavement, tap ......2013-04-20

Large Type Excavator Assists Yongxing County’s Project Construction

As you can see from the above image, a large type excavator was busy in working for the constructio ......2013-04-19

90 Millon Yuan Funds of New Rural Cooperation Medical System Paid by Rucheng County

It was learned from the new rural cooperation medical system office of Rucheng county that 92.32 mi ......2013-04-15

Qu Hai: Yizhang County Should Fight for Being the New Economic Growth Pole

Qu Hai- Deputy Secretary of Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Chenzhou City took an i ......2013-04-13

One Billion Yuan Financial Target to be Set in Linwu County

Recently, it was learned from Linwu finance working conference that new financial targets were set ......2013-04-10

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