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Total Planned Investment of 63 Industrial Projects of Chenzhou City Reaches 44.6 Billion Yuan

It was learned from Chenzhou Economic and Information Committee that in order to adapt to the New No ......2015-04-21

33.50 Million Yuan Guiding Funds Placed on Modern Agricultural Industry in Three Years

Each main project was supported with 0.5million yuan “Assisted with the 0.5million yuan suppor ......2015-04-21

Tax Preference Policies for Small & Medium-sized Enterprises to be Settled in Chenzhou City

It was learned from Chenzhou Municipal National Tax Bureau that from this April, series measures wou ......2015-04-20

Investment Attraction, Exhibition Arrangement and other Core Work for the Mineral Show to be Finished Soon

The third China (Hunan) International Mineral & Gem Show would be open in Chenzhou city within 40da ......2015-04-15

82 Special Reforms Helps Chenzhou City to Keep First Phalanx of Hunan Province on Economic and Social Development

It was learned from Chenzhou Development & Reform Commission that in recent 4 years reform of the ec ......2015-04-11

4.86 Billion Yuan Financing Required for Financial Poverty Alleviation Industry Projects of Chenzhou Luoxiao Mountainous Area

It was learned from Chenzhou working conference of financial poverty alleviation of Luoxiao mountain ......2015-04-06

Construction of Chenjiang River Helps to Upgrade City Quality

As you can see from above image, some citizens were walking along the banks of Chenjiang river. In r ......2015-04-02

Xiang Lili Investigates Key Projects Construction

The spring of Chenzhou city is full of vigor. The whole year’s work depends on a good start in ......2015-04-02

More Measures Handled out to Support the Development of Small & Medium-sized Enterprises

It was learned from Chenzhou Economy and Information Commission that Chenzhou city would take active ......2015-03-31

28 Enterprises Enrolls into Hunan Provincial Top 50 Non-ferrous Metals Companies List

It highly indicated the advantages of Chenzhou city on the non-ferrous metals industry On March 19, ......2015-03-30

“Green Rising” for New Industrialization of Zixing City

When reporters arrived at Tsingtao Beer (Chenzhou) Company which was settled in Zixing Food Industri ......2015-03-28

Increasing Farmers’ Income by Improving Leisure Agriculture

It is great that we can get profit from barren land and work meanwhile.”gladly said by Zhu She ......2015-03-26

Great Promotion of Urbanization

In recent years, Chenzhou city placed great attention on the promotion of urbanization. Along with t ......2015-03-24

First Palm Micro Exhibition Hall of Mineral Expo to be Issued online on March 24, 2015

Exhibition hall of gems It was learned that the first palm micro exhibition hall of the mineral expo ......2015-03-23

88.1% of“836”Investment and Project Construction Plan Has been Fulfilled in Chenzhou City

How is everything going on for the “836” investment and project construction plan? It wa ......2015-03-20

Great Improvement of Chenzhou Transportation Condition

As you can from above image, the newly planted seedlings are growing well in the extension section o ......2015-03-19

Sea Ship Manufactured by Hunan Province Expected to be Shipped to HK and Macau in First Half Year of 2015

10 sea ships which were manufactured by Hunan province were under construction It was learned from P ......2015-03-18

Acceleration of Integration of Passenger Transportation of Urban and Rural Areas

It was learned from the mobilization conference for upgrading of transportation & working conference ......2015-03-16

Chenzhou Holds Promotion Conference of Gem Industrial Development in Shenzhen City

Xiang Lili presented the introduction on the conference The site of promotion conference for the 3r ......2015-03-11

Diversion Project of Dongjiang River Starts Construction ahead of Time Schedule

It was estimated to be placed to operation in 2017 “In order to ensure Chenzhou people can be ......2015-03-02

Chenzhou Fights for Establishing "Upgraded Version" of Inter-provincial Modern Comprehensive Transportation Hub City

It was reported that a leadership conference for transportation construction work was held in the mo ......2015-02-14

Rucheng: Online Marketing of Seedlings

Recently, some experts from Chenzhou Association of Flower and Trees held online marketing trainings ......2015-02-13

Promoting Development of Tourism and Culture Industry by Handling Festivals

2015 is 20th anniversary of Chenzhou municipal city and the fifth Chenzhou International Leisure Tou ......2015-02-12

New Rural Construction of Republic Farm of Qiujia Village Begins to Take Shape

When reporters arrived at republic farm of Qiujia village on February 6, 2015, they found that its n ......2015-02-11

Investment Attraction Team of Third International Mineral & Gem Expo Holds Wine Party in America

It was reported that on February 7, 2015, at local time of 6:00p.m. ( Beijing time: 9:00 a.m., Febru ......2015-02-09

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